The recvfile method reads certain amount of data into a local file.
On success, recvfile returns the actual size of received data. Otherwise UDT::ERROR is returned and specific error information can be retrieved by getlasterror.
Error Name | Error Code | Comment |
ECONNLOST | 2001 | connection has been broken and no data left in receiver buffer. |
ENOCONN | 2002 | u is not connected. |
EFILE | 4000 | File or disk system errors. |
EINVSOCK | 5004 | u is not an valid socket. |
EDGRAMILL | 5010 | cannot use recvfile in SOCK_DGRAM mode. |
The recvfile method reads certain amount of data and write it into a local file. It is always in blocking mode and neither UDT_RCVSYN nor UDT_RCVTIMEO affects this method. The actual size of data to expect must be known before calling recvfile, otherwise deadlock may occur due to insufficient incoming data.