UDT Reference: Error Codes

UDT Error Codes List

All UDT API will return an error upon a failed operation. Particularly, UDT defines UDT::INVALID_SOCK and UDT::ERROR as error returned values. (several routines return false as error value.) Application should check the return value against these two constants.

Error Name Error Code Comment
SUCCESS 0 success operation.
ECONNSETUP 1000 connection setup failure.
ENOSERVER 1001 server does not exist.
ECONNREJ 1002 connection request was rejected by server.
ESOCKFAIL 1003 could not create/configure UDP socket.
ESECFAIL 1004 connection request was aborted due to security reasons.
ECONNFAIL 2000 connection failure.
ECONNLOST 2001 connection was broken.
ENOCONN 2002 connection does not exist.
ERESOURCE 3000 system resource failure.
ETHREAD 3001 could not create new thread.
ENOBUF 3002 no memory space.
EFILE 4000 file access error.
EINVRDOFF 4001 invalid read offset.
ERDPERM 4002 no read permission.
EINVWROFF 4003 invalid write offset.
EWRPERM 4004 no write permission.
EINVOP 5000 operation not supported.
EBOUNDSOCK 5001 cannot execute the operation on a bound socket.
ECONNSOCK 5002 cannot execute the operation on a connected socket.
EINVPARAM 5003 bad parameters.
EINVSOCK 5004 invalid UDT socket.
EUNBOUNDSOCK 5005 cannot listen on unbound socket.
ENOLISTEN 5006 (accept) socket is not in listening state.
ERDVNOSERV 5007 rendezvous connection process does not allow listen and accept call.
ERDVUNBOUND 5008 rendezvous connection setup is enabled but bind has not been called before connect.
ESTREAMILL 5009 operation not supported in SOCK_STREAM mode.
EDGRAMILL 5010 operation not supported in SOCK_DGRAM mode.
EDUPLISTEN 5011 another socket is already listening on the same UDP port.
ELARGEMSG 5012 message is too large to be hold in the sending buffer.
EASYNCFAIL 6000 non-blocking call failure.
EASYNCSND 6001 no buffer available for sending.
EASYNCRCV 6002 no data available for read.
ETIMEOUT 6003 timeout before operation completes.
EPEERERR 7000 Error has happened at the peer side.
See Also
